We Sweat the Details

CoVid-19 Pandemic Update

CoVid-19 Pandemic Update

Many businesses in Canada and throughout the world continue to either temporarily close their doors or modify their working arrangements. Due to the nature of our business (Food Plant, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Water Purification) we are considered an essential service. Therefore, we are continuing to provide our products and services to our valued customers to the best of our abilities.

Price-Schonstrom Inc. is deemed an essential service in Ontario.

We are open for business. *Because of the COVID-19 situation, we may experience interruption in our supply chains, which may affect product delivery times. Based on the various declarations from WHO and the measures taken in various countries, we consider the COVID-19 situation to be an extraordinary situation outside our reasonable control (force majeure).

We are constantly and closely monitoring the situation and we work very hard on mitigating any impacts of the measures taken due to the COVID-19 on our orders, our usual service level and our ability to meet market demands.

We will continue to monitor the regulations to determine if things change, and will ensure you’re notified as soon as we get an update.